
Make Your Career Your Next Big Adventure

Exceptionally high employee satisfaction - The opportunity to proudly represent the Nordic leader in HCM software - Flexibility and personal development ingrained in the company culture - A customer base in hyper-growth - An organisation that breathes ambition - Awesome colleagues

CatalystOne is one of The Greatest Places To Work!

With great pride, we can now say that all eligible CatalystOne offices are officially certified as Great Places to Work! In May, 2019, CatalystOne India joined Norway and Sweden with Great Place to Work certification. In the same year, Norway ranked as the 3rd best place to work in the 20-49 employees category, up from 6th in 2018. We couldn’t be prouder that our employees love coming to work and feel at home in the culture we’re working hard to nurture as we grow.

 Great Place to Work Norway 2019

Meet the Crew

Our Values - DART

Not many companies can truly say that their employees live their company values, but at CatalystOne our values are an integrated part of our everyday lives. We didn’t develop our values – our values developed us. We asked ourselves - what makes us great? And these four keywords stood out. We couldn't be more proud of them. Our values are Dedication, Agility, Results and Trust, it's as easy as DART! Perhaps these values resonate with what’s important for you, too?
  • Dedication
    Passion for People – Customers and Colleagues. We go the extra mile. We create an inspiring work environment. We take pride in everything we do. We help each other.
  • Agility
    Flexibility and creativity. We like finding smart solutions. We change our priorities if needed. We respond fast. We are open to new ideas.
  • Results
    Value creation in everything we do. We help customers achieve desired outcomes. We focus on long-term goals and short-term wins. We share knowledge. We accept failure and learn from mistakes.
  • Trust
    Responsibility in all relationships. We have an open and including culture. We always strive to keep our promises. We give and receive constructive feedback. We take responsibility for our own development.

Teamwork Across Borders

We have a total of five offices, with four corporate ones in the best locations of Oslo, Sandefjord, Stockholm and Copenhagen. Our biggest office is in Chandigarh, India, where we conduct research and develop our product suite. All our offices offer modern environments of the highest standards. We make sure to work closely across borders and cities. One big team on one big adventure together.

Our Proudest Moments

 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a duty, an integral part of our values, and an opportunity where we as a company can positively impact people’s lives, the environment, and our society. Because the development of our software mainly takes place in Chandigarh – Mohali, India – it was quite natural for us to give back to this area. We chose to support the education of local children. There are about 40 students in Bhagomarja Village School - boys and girls aged 4-13 years old. In addition, there are also 4 children with special needs. More information about our CSR project can be found here.

The CatalystOne Experience

  • Make a Difference
    We are on an exciting adventure together. Every single person in this organization has a huge impact on our destiny. We carefully recruit the best people in the business who wants to make a career out of making a difference for customers, co-workers, the environment and children in need. We see ourselves in the bigger picture and always strive to make the world a better place.
  • Playfulness at Work
    We believe that work should be fun. During a productive day you sometimes need a break from work! At the office we have recreational equipment to help you relax and think about something else for a while. We also organize after-work events and gatherings such as dinners, game nights and trips. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and encourage playfulness and humor. Fun is serious business!
  • Family Philosophy
    By joining us you will become part of a professional culture with strong values, and talented, high performing colleagues. The desire to help and support each other in challenges in our out of the office, is just one of the things that will make you feel at home. We recruit nothing but friends for life.
  • Take Pride
    We are in the intersection of HR and IT and our product has been the Nordic market leader for several years. Our award-winning culture, constantly pushing boundaries and pursuing perfection in every interpersonal connection anyone has with our superheroes is something we are really proud of.

We Will Welcome You With Open Arms

We are always very excited to welcome our new colleagues. When starting a career with us you will kick off with an intensive and fun onboarding. A full week of activities with other new colleagues where you will meet our CEO and co-workers from the management team for workshops, training, and social activities. All of this is to make sure we're off to a good start together!